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ancia organic olive oil cold press

Misty2344 2023. 5. 31. 11:25

ancia organic olive oil cold press

costs $11.99 (that I remember). it's cold pressed. some say that when you press oil with high tempretues some bad things come out from the ingredients and it causes the cancers. so I guess cold pressed  is a good way to get oils.  it made in Spain and by organic oilive. the olive oil that I used right before this one was the random one that I bought from Walmart. that was the one that I bought for the first time since I got here in the US. so.. I am not a huge cook. it concluds I buy an olive oil once a year. 

bought it from food bazaar near me. and the reason why I choose this one was I saw some spots in the oil bottle that I was not really sure what these were. randomly I saw the video that some olive oils are not made with 100% olives. I thought seeing these spots was a good sign to get a right one.

I googled it why these spots can be seen and it said it can be seen when temperature is a bit low and it disappear when tempreture goes up, it's all natural, I smell this one and other one that I used. this smell is not that bad. I guess this is a good choice among midium priced products.



