
김치만들기 첫번째- 고춧가루 빻기 the first step to make kimchi

Misty2344 2020. 12. 12. 23:40

김치 만들기 첫 번째 단계- 고춧가루 만들기다

The first step to make kimchi.- make chili powder


chili powder is the one of the most important ingredient when you want to make korean foods. 

because it literary needs every korean food.

female members of our family make kimchi every this time of year. and this year would be no exception.


부모님께서 농사지으신 유기농 말린 고추를 집에서 먼지를 닦았다.

we have sun dried orgarnic chilies which my parents harvested.

and we polished these chilies with wet towels to remove dirty dusts 

and we went to 방앗간 to make it powder.

red chilies it already looks yummy!
점촌에 있는 자주가는 방앗간을 갔다.

went to the store can make it powder in contryside in korea

고추를 여러번 분쇄해서 가루고 만들어 준다.

the store owner pulverized them several times to make them powders



고운 가루가 된 고춧가루 

chilies became the powders :)




잘못된 번역 잘못된 표현 지적 언제나 환영입니다 ㅎㅎㅎ

please let me know if there are some wrong expressions or spellings or anything by comments down below 

